Miles Along Smiles

Bhagwat Geeta

Bhagwat Geeta Classes

Hey everyone!🙏🏻
📯Calling all curious minds and brave adventurers!
Are you ready for an epic quest filled with exciting stories, amazing friends, and superpowers you never knew you had? ‍♀️
Join us for the Bhagwat Geeta Classes at Miles Along Smiles, where we’ll explore the coolest wisdom book ever – the Bhagwat Geeta!
Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Where: Miles Along Smiles, Yashodham Enclave, Prashant Nagar, Ajni, Nagpur-15
No matter how old you are (big or small!), there’s something for everyone in the Bhagavad Gita
Ready to join the club and become a Bhagavad Gita superhero!
Sounds like a blast, right? Let me know if you want more details on any of these events! 😄🎉
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